Our body and mind are governed by the three doshas that control and embody our basic disposition. Considering the fast paced and stressful lifestyles that we live, it's no surprise that we suffer from a mind-body discord. You can attain mental peace and physical well-being only when your mind and body are in total sync with each other. But since our lifestyle choices and environmental factors are constantly wreaking havoc, attaining a balanced Prakriti seems far-fetched. In Ayurveda, each person is different and has a combination of different doshas and there is no fix remedy or solution. It's important to strike a balance and there is no fix diet and lifestyle for all, which is why knowing your Prakriti helps.
Kapha dosha is derived from the elements of Earth and Water and has similar attributes. Kapha provides the body with physical form and structure and is responsible for the functioning of different parts. Kapha is the exact opposite of Vata and governs structure and lubrication. The general qualities of Kapha are moist, cold, hefty, drab, soft, sticky, and static. Some of the qualities that define you in a state of Kapha imbalance are as following.
A larger and hefty build is the norm.
You are naturally sweet, stable and supportive.
Big eyes, lustrous hair and oily/soft skin define you.
You are down to earth and have a happy personality.
Slower and heavier digestion is one of the problems that you go through.
You are well liked for your sweet disposition and pleasing personality.
You suffer from excessive mucous and congestion.
A great memory and focus are other attributes.
You are usually slow at starting things but once you do, you give your all.
You are famous for lack of movement and exercise.
These are some of the innate qualities that you display and an imbalance in your disposition can lead to several ailments. The usual calm and loving disposition of Kapha individuals may transform into depression and lethargy during an imbalance in Kapha. If Kapha is predominant in you then traits like love, patience, greed, attachment are governed by this dosha. Kapha individuals are great at vocations that need traits like nurturing quality, patience, thoroughness and an even temperament. Kapha controls growth in the body and maintains the immune system.
Kapha grounds Pitta and Vata and helps in offsetting and balancing the imbalance of these two doshas. Kapha adds bulk to our tissues and Kapha individuals tend to gain weight easily. It is related to cold moist bodily fluids like water, lymph and mucous. When there is an excess of Kapha, feelings of envy and insecurity are common. Kapha types crave spicy food and have a slow pace compared to other doshas. Kapha types don't like damp, wet places and constantly suffer from physical problems like cold, respiratory problems, sinus and headaches.
Diet, routine and lifestyle choices that boost Kapha can only create a greater imbalance of the overall disposition. Which is why it's important to monitor your habits and surroundings to ensure that Kapha stays stable and doesn't increase. Let's have a look at what a Kapha imbalance brings on.
Kapha Imbalance
Lethargy, depression and laziness are common reactions.
You gain weight and feel heavy.
Sluggish digestion and stuffy feeling.
A general resistance to change and feeling congested.
Insufficient activity and lack of exercise lead to feeling of stiffness.
An aversion to hot and humid climatic conditions.
The tendency to overeat when going through a wave of emotions.
These are reactions to an excess of Kapha and it's effects on our mind and body. Health issues and diseases like Diabetes, Obesity, Allergies, and Congestion are related to an imbalance of Kapha. Kapha individuals tend to be possessive and hold on to things and this can ruin their generally sweet disposition.
Balancing Kapha
A positive revamp of lifestyle, diet and routine is mandatory if you want to see any positive changes in your temperament. You need to bring the opposite qualities to balance Kapha. According to Ayurveda, if you indulge in activities that are similar to your dosha's attributes, this only increases the imbalance of your Prakriti. To control Kapha, constant movement and a healthy diet is a requisite.
One of the foremost factors that you need to direct your attention to is your diet. A proper diet can have an instantaneous effect on your temperament. It's important to be active on a daily basis and control the intake of food. Be receptive to change and activities that will keep you on your toes. A light, low-fat diet and pungent, bitter, astringent tastes will help in keeping the Kapha stable. Fat-free dairy products, raw vegetables, ripe fruits, corn, oats, honey, raspberry or cinnamon tea and spices like basil, cloves, paprika, coriander are favorable.
Indulge in lots of exercises on a regular basis and try to mix and match routines to keep it interesting. Introspective activities like writing and meditation are great to keep you temperament stable. Avoid spending too much time in damp and wet climates since this could have an adverse effect on your immunity. Avoid taking naps during daytime and go to bed early. Once the Kapha is under control you will feel more energetic, healthy and upbeat.
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