Yoga and Ayurveda are interlocked and the combined forces of the two ensure that you lead a healthy and content lifestyle. Yoga is an extraordinary practice to reach the state of restful awareness. Today the wave of this ancient Indian practice has engulfed the whole world onto the path of health and wellness. Yoga is not just an excellent exercise alternative, it's a lifestyle. The assortment of asanas help in attaining physical balance and creates a flow of energy that enables us to concentrate our attention within. Thus, balance and flow of energy after practicing Yoga for years builds a bubble or shield that protects you from diseases and other external stimulants. Yoga can assist in striking a balance between your mind and your body which leads to a harmonious temperament.
Ayurveda dietary supplements or products, treatments, yoga and meditation practice are knowledge (are used) to attain a balanced temperament by bringing balance among the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Practicing Yoga on a regular basis can help in keeping the energies in balance. The three doshas make up our basic Prakriti and each individual has varying degrees of each of these doshas. Our stressful lifestyle is one of the key reason for the imbalance in our doshas. The combination of Ayurvedic dietary supplements and lifestyle changes in addition to the effective use of various asanas, pranayama’s and meditations have worked wonders on people who suffer from certain ailments.
There are specific asanas for each dosha, which target the core of the imbalance and eases tendencies of stress and anxiety. Yoga is considered as a natural way of healing. Practicing Yoga brings on positivity towards life and self and expansion of good feelings. Each of dosha has different forms of energy.
Vata promotes flexibility and agility. An imbalance in Vata can lead to anxiety, restlessness, tiredness and irritability. Asanas like Virabhdrasana II, Paschimottanasa, Padmasana and other such asanas.
Pitta promotes understanding and intelligence and an imbalance in Pitta can lead to a surge of emotions like anger, intolerance and digestion issues. Meditation combined with asanas like Trikonasana, Dhanurasana, Chandra Namaskar can help in bringing balance to our doshas.
Kapha promotes the emotions of love and calmness and an imbalance in Kapha brings feelings of lethargy and depression to the forefront. Asanas like Ustrasana, Surya Namaskara, Adho Mukha Svanasana and other such asanas can help in regaining the balance of your doshas.
Practicing yoga based on your dosha can help in attaining a cohesive balance that brings all your doshas into sync. Most of the times disease and ailments are linked to an imbalance in the doshas and Yoga can help in striking the necessary balance. Since every individual is different, they attain balance in different ways. There are many organizations that offer Yoga classes that incorporate the essence of Ayurveda with meditation and a healthy diet plan.
Practicing Yoga has a cleansing effect on our body and soul and each asana helps in detoxing our body and calming our senses. Yoga is the practice of connecting with your true self by settling the chaos in your mind and body into silence.
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